India- Pakistan Relations

16 Maio 2018, 16:00 Shiv Kumar Singh

Before this lecture, the instructor transmitted a reading on India’s nuclear tests by Jaswant Singh, and chapters from T.C.A. Raghavan’s book, The People Next Door.


Continuing her presentation on India- Pakistan Relations, Maria Beatriz Couto Lopes said that the reality of Pakistan had strayed from the idea. Pakistan had many paradoxes. As an Islamic state, it refused to take in Bihari Muslims. It was founded on the principle “I am a Pakistani because I am a Muslim.” But after Pakistan came into being, Jinnah had himself said that all citizens were equal before the state, and religion was a private matter. Wouldn’t Pakistanis be confused between a Muslim identity and Jinnah’s proclamation of the equality of all, she asked? She noted that there had been forcible conversion of Hindus.


She said that Pakistan, which had talented scholars and administrators, had become an “armoured democracy.” Tactically, the Pakistani army was capable of innovations, such as in the 1999 Kargil war. After 2003 Pakistan had become less aggressive.  


The instructor said that, although there had been a tactical softening of Pakistan’s policy in 2003, subsequent policy had hardened. The Mumbai terrorist attacks had taken place in 2008. Whenever relations improved under civilian governments in Pakistan, terrorist attacks had taken place.  The relationship has fluctuated between highs and lows. The Simla Agreement of 1972 was very important, and had been a factor in stabilizing the relationship.


He said that it was the hunger for power that had caused Partition. Leaders on both sides, who had fought the British all their lives, finally sensed independence was near, and took the opportunity. India’s leaders never accepted the Pakistan ideology, but accepted Partition, to prevent further bloodshed.


It was decided that Professor Shiv Kumar Singh, director of the Centre for Indian Studies, would be the guest speaker in the next class, on India- Portugal Relations. Nino Machaidze would make a presentation on The Causes and Consequences of India’s Nuclear Tests.