B2.1 (Vantage) level (ENG2.11915)
First semester 2024/2025 - TP1 and TP2
Lecturer: Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Email address: isabelmealha@edu.ulisboa.pt
1. Learning outcomes of the course
The course will follow the objectives outlined in the Council of Europe document Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). At the end of this course students will be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics; interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with fluent/proficient speakers quite possible without strain for either party; produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
2. Syllabus
Students will develop their language competencies with regard to the four skills:
a) READING: literary and non-literary texts (e.g. newspaper articles, essays and contemporary short stories).
b) WRITING: opinion and discursive essays; summaries; emails and letters.
c) SPEAKING: individual and group oral projects with a view to developing oral presentation skills; debates (putting forward arguments for and against).
d) LISTENING to interviews and talks, watching films and/or documentaries with a view to developing note-taking skills.
Students will develop linguistic, social and cultural aspects related to the English-speaking world while further developing the ability to use grammatical structures with an emphasis on increased accuracy.
3. Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)
Teaching methodologies foster ongoing development of the CEF linguistic competencies. Task-based activities held include reading and discussing texts, dramatised reading, essay writing, a speaking paper, watching films and/or talks followed by guided debates. Lexicogrammatical items are addressed in class with an emphasis on increased accuracy. Other individual and team/group teacher-oriented task-based activities will be carried out. In accordance with Regulamento de Avaliação dos Estudantes da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (RAE), students will be assessed on oral and written work throughout the semester. Weighting will be as follows:
- first test 25%
- second test 35%
- individual oral presentation 25%
- In-class essay 15%
Dates of tests & in-class essay (compulsory)
TP1 (Mondays & Wednesdays)
FIRST TEST: October 28
IN-CLASS ESSAY: November 20
SECOND TEST: December 11
TP2 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
FIRST TEST: October 29
IN-CLASS ESSAY: November 21
SECOND TEST: December 12
Since assessment will be conducted on a regular basis, any task that is not submitted when due and/or any form of plagiarism will be given a zero. Any student who fails to do one of the above-mentioned tests/tasks will be given a zero.
Worker students may opt for continuous assessment (in which case they will have to comply with all the assessment criteria set for regular students) OR sit the Época Especial de Avaliação examination. The examination will focus on the contents of the syllabus adopted for the B2.1 level.
6. Bibliography
Mealha, Isabel Ferro. B2.1 Course Book 2024-2025 (a compilation of articles, essays, short stories by English-speaking writers and other materials). (compulsory – please bring your workbook to every class). Both the Course Book and additional materials will be uploaded onto Moodle.
Swan, Michael. 2005. Practical English Usage. 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
The Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English For Advanced Learners. 2009. 5th edition. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
The Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for Learners of English. 2006. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Attendance of classes is compulsory. For exceptions, please check the Regulamento de Avaliação dos Estudantes da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (RAE).
Absence from class should be reported by email to the teacher prior to missing a class, if at all possible, or as soon as possible after a student misses a class. Reporting an absence does not automatically “excuse” missed work. In these cases, students should contact the teacher to discuss what options may be available. If the absence is due to illness or other emergency, please submit a doctor’s note or any other appropriate documentation within the following ten working days (see RAE, Artigo 3º, 3).
Teacher and students will communicate via institutional email addresses only. You should make sure that you check your institutional email on a regular basis so as not to miss out on any important information related to the class.
TP1: Mondays, 9.30-10.30, room C213.A; and
TP2: Tuesdays, 11.00-12.00, room C213.A.
*A weekly one-hour tutoring session which can be used to answer individual students’ questions, review any materials students need to review, or provide extra practice, etc.
Having successfully completed English B1.2 or having been placed in English B2.1 as a result of a placement test done at the beginning of the academic year.