Final listening test and Any Other Business

7 Dezembro 2016, 16:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students carried out their final listening test.

Students were told about the different sections of the upcoming end-of-term final test:

  • Grammar:
    • make vs. do
    • articles (available for tutoring and practicing on
    • conditionals (available for tutoring and practicing on
    • modals. (available for tutoring and practicing on
  • Comprehension:
    • multiple choice questions on Cat's Cradle
      • you must bring your copy of the novel
  • Composition:
    • you will write ONE composition from a selection of options:
      • a descriptive and/or narrative piece;
      • a persuasive piece;
      • an expository piece.

Anyone who writes a random composition that does not answer one of the available questions will get a 0.