Introduction to B2.1 English

26 Setembro 2016, 16:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students were introduced to the B2.1 English Coursebook (Hilda Eusébio - TP12).

By the end of the semester, students should be able to:

  • understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation;

  • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party;

  • produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Grading policy and course requirements

In addition to grammar lessons and other in-class activities, students will have 3 individual homework assignments and 2 group work assignments to be done in the classroom. Group work will be presented to the entire class.  Presentations will be recorded.  All written work will be marked by the teacher with a colour key (yellow = incorrect conjugation; blue = incorrect spelling, etc.) and students will have the opportunity to correct their own mistakes in class under supervision.  Finally, 2-3 lessons will be structured around mistakes made by students in their homework assignments and oral presentations.  Written mistakes will be projected onto the screen, oral mistakes will be played on speakers – students will be given the first go at correcting mistakes and explaining these corrections to their peers.


Attendance and class participation – 5%

Completed Homework – 10%

Midterm – 20% (5% listening comprehension; 15% written exam)

Writing project – 20%

Oral presentation – 20%

End of Term Exam – 25% (5% listening comprehension; 20% written exam: grammar, comprehension, composition.)

Should you FAIL the course, you can sit the Final Exam (Época Especial) which will be in January 2017.



Homework/assignments must be EMAILED to me on the day that they’re due.  You have until midnight on the day of the deadline – not emailing me the assignment on the day of the deadline will mean that your assignment will be marked as late and will lose 10% each day that it is late.


Reasons for lateness (other than illness or Worker Student Status) will not be accepted


If you are ill, you must email me at the first available opportunity to let me know in advance and to request an extension.  Extensions will only be granted in the event that a doctor’s note can be provided.  Should this doctor’s note be unavailable for any reason, the extension will be cancelled and the work will be marked as ‘Late’. 


You will need:

  • Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s Cat’s Cradle, Penguin Essentials edition which you can buy from the book shop in the basement of the main building, or you can buy it online;

  • Hilda Eusébio’s B2.1 English Course Book available in the Green Photocopy Room (Reprografia Verde);

  • Additional material (grammar exercises + answers) will be provided as needed and archived in the Green Photocopy Room (Reprografia Verde) in File 12 (Pasta 12);

  • is an excellent website to learn and practice English grammar for free.


    Students are to check their emails regularly and come to class prepared.

07/11/16  MIDTERM (Listening)

09/11/16  MIDTERM (Written)



14/12/16  FINAL EXAM

05/01/17 and 06/01/17  STUDENT PRESENTATIONS (oral exams)