Descriptive Writing Presentations and Persuasive Writing Part 1

12 Outubro 2016, 16:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

The remaining groups did their presentations on the descriptive texts by Plath, Woolf and Michaels.

Persuasive Writing - Part 1

Students were introduced to the basics of persuasive writing (i.e. appealing to reason, emotion or beliefs) and then listened to and analyzed audio and audio visual recordings of two persuasive political speeches...

...identifying persuasive techniques from the following list:

  1. Personal Pronouns  
  2. Cause and effect  
  3. Verb tenses  
  4. Repetition 
  5.  Alliteration  
  6. The Power of Three  
  7. Emotive language  
  8. Facts and statistics  
  9. Hyperbole  
  10. Exaggeration
  11. Technical Language 
  12. Rhetorical Questions 
  13. Dare the reader to disagree 
  14. Powerful verbs and strong adjectives 
  15. Listing.  
  16. Address objections. 
  17. Go tribal. 
  18. Story telling/anecdotes 
  19. Humour. 
  20. Reasons why.