Lesson 13

3 Novembro 2016, 10:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Voicing complaints" - reading, spekaing, vocabulary (pp. 108-109)

- Paragraph correction exercise 

- paragraph: "How to become the best in sports"
- ex. B & C p. 96

Vocabulary from the lesson:
  • I've had it up to here with..

  • I'm sick to death of...

  • It's so infuriating!

  • It annoys me to think that...

  • to give sb a piece of your mind

  • to kick up a fuss

  • It drives me mad that/when...

  • It gets on my nerves that...

  • Not nice at all.

  • To have a good old moan

  • Don't you just hate...

  • to vent your anger

  • What I object to is/are...

  • … really gets up my nose

  • … is driving me to distraction

  • I'm fed up with...

  • to shriek

  • to bellow

  • to whisper

  • to snap

  • to stutter

  • to sigh

  • to grunt

  • to grunt

  • to whine