
Writing practice for the second test.

17 Abril 2023, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Writing practice for the second test.

Clearing doubts related to the short stories under study and the different types of discursive essays.

The short story "The Guilt" by Rayda Jacobs.

17 Abril 2023, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Feedback on discursive essays.
The short story "The Guilt" by Rayda Jacobs: reading and discussion of the short story by answering a set of questions (page 68).

Discursive essays continued.

13 Abril 2023, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

In-class activity: Writing one of the following types of essays: (a) an advantages vs disadvantages essay; (b) an opinion essay; (c) an essay suggesting solutions to a problem.

Discursive essays continued.

12 Abril 2023, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

In-class activity: Writing one of the following types of essays: (a) an advantages vs disadvantages essay; (b) an opinion essay; (c) an essay suggesting solutions to a problem.

Discursive essays.

11 Abril 2023, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discursive essays: (a) for and against essay; (b) opinion essay; (c) solutions to a problem essay - how information is organised in these three kinds of discursive essay. Looking at a a sample advantages & disadvantages essay, a sample opinion essay, and a sample solutions-to-a-problem essay.

Checking the answers to the exercises done at home. 

Pair/group task: writing a plan for (a) an advantages vs disadvantages essay; (b) an opinion essay; (c) an essay suggesting solutions to a problem.