Persuasive Writing

4 Novembro 2019, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we learned about the basics in persuasive writing, namely the different situations in which persuasive writing is used and 20 different persuasive techniques that can be used in writing or speeches:

1.Personal Pronouns; 2.Cause and effect; 3.Verb tenses; 4.Repetition; 5.Alliteration; 6.The Power of Three; 7.Emotive language; 8.Facts and statistics; 9.Hyperbole; 10.Exaggeration; 11.Technical Language; 12.Rhetorical Questions; 13.Dare the reader to disagree; 14.Powerful verbs and strong adjectives; 15. Listing; 16. Address objections; 17. Go tribal; 18. Story telling/anecdotes; 19.Humour; 20 .Reasons why.

We then went on to listen to and analyze Winston Churchill's We Shall Fight on the Beaches.  Those of you who missed class today should listen to this at home.  (Winston's accent is quite strong, so turn on the subtitles or follow along in your course books.)