Presentations: Course Goals & Assessment

17 Setembro 2019, 14:00 Ana Rita Martins

  • Presentations: Course Goals & Assessment 

Assessment will be continuous, and will consist of the following: 

One written test:                                                                  30%

Research project on one of the themes of the Programme: 20%

Assignment on the novel:                                                    15%

In-class essay:                                                                       20%

Attendance, course work and participation:                      15%


Written Test (see Course Calendar): November 12 or December 12

NB:There are two possible dates for the written test. You must choose only one. Keep in mind you cannottake the written test twice.


Dates for the presentation of research projects:

Research Project 1:October 10 & 15 

Research Project 2:November 5 & 7

Research Project 3:December 5

All: December 17 & 19



  • You must have chosen one of the dates to present your research project and signed up by October 1.
  • If you do not come to class on the day you are meant to do your written Test or present your research project, you will get 0


Dates for the assignment on novel: November 26 & November 28



The course book is available at the Green photocopy shop. Throughout the semester supplementary material will be posted in Moodle. 


 Compulsory reading:  

 The Shock of the Fall, Nathan Flier (2014)

  • Speaking exercise: "Talk"