Classes suspended (Covid-19). Individual oral presentations. June exam. End of the second semester.

6 Maio 2020, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Zoom meeting: Individual oral presentations continued - a five-minute talk on a linguistic, cultural, social, historical aspect related to an English-speaking country. Oral presentations done by Ana Sampaio, Rita Duarte Pinto, Maria Inês Ventura, Liliana Oliveira, Bárbara Ministro, and Pedro Santos. The following students sent their videos by email: Beatriz teixeira, Solomiya Rosvehts, Luísa Ferreira, Rita Parrulas, Joana Coradinho. 

This was the last class of the second semester. In due time I will give you feedback on the second test. In addition, I will confirm your oral presentation mark. Finally, I will send each one of you your marks for the different assessment components and your final grade. In the meantime, in case of doubts, etc., just email me please.


B2.1 Examination (TP12) will be held on Monday, 1st June 2020, 10:00-12:00.

Students who enrol for the Época Especial de Avaliação examination should email me by the 29th May at the latest.

At 9:55 I will email you the B2.1 examination and the answer sheet where you should write your answers. You should download both the exam questions and the answer sheet onto your computer and save the answer sheet as a Word document under your name before you start working.

The exam will have three parts:

Question 1 – about the short stories in the B2.1 Workbook (“Tony’s Story” by Leslie Marmon Silko, “The Guilt” by Rayda Jacobs, and “Good Advice Is Rarer Than Rubies” by Salman Rushdie) 

Question 2 – about The TED talks (Surviving disappearance, re-imagining and humanizing Native People (Matika Wilbur); My life in Apartheid South Africa (Tobie Openshaw); Mad at Mandela (Sisonke Msimang); How to make peace? Get angry (Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel laureate); Fighting forced marriages and honour based abuse (Jasvinder Sanghera) and the articles (“Bears Ears is sacred Native American. But heritage isn’t all equal for Trump”; “Soweto – Journey to freedom”; “South Africa unease plays out on campus”; “India’s caste system is alive and kicking – and maiming and killing”; “Child marriage in India finally meets its match as young brides turn to courts”)

Question 3 – a letter to the Editor (please go through the guidelines on pages 33-35 again)

 You have two hours to do the test (from 10:00h to 12:00).

I will be available by email during the examination to clear any doubts you may have. I will reply to you as soon as possible.

You must send your answers by email (saved as a Word file) 15 minutes after 12:00 at the latest

Exams submitted later than the appointed time shall not be marked, and the student will get a zero out of 20.

 A word to the wise ... Any form of plagiarism (including representing someone else's work as your own) will be equivalent to a fail in English B2.1 and shall be reported to the appropriate academic authorities.