(Covid-19) Feedback on Task 2. Update on Tasks 1&2 and on assessment.

24 Março 2020, 14:00 Maria Teresa Correia Casal

1. Individual feedback on the journal entries (Task 2) submitted so far.

2. Update sent by e-mail on 24 March:

Since my original e-mail to you following ULisboa’s decision to suspend classes until 27 March, much has happened:

  • The Government has suspended classes 9 April, subject to reassessment;
  • A state of emergency has been declared for two weeks, subject to renewal;
  • The Prime Minister has made it clear that we should expect three tough months of lockdown;
  • The Dean’s latest e-mail (sent this afternoon), contemplating the possibility that continuous assessment may not necessarily include further face-to-face tests;

It is highly likely that the remainder of the academic year will be conducted online.

Bearing in mind that:

  • You wrote your Test 1 on 10 March;
  • The oral presentation has been reconfigured as a final essay (Task 1) and an extra assignment has been set, namely your journal writing (Task 2);

For the sake of clarifying the aims and criteria for assessment of the current tasks, I have decided to adjust deadlines and assessment to the current circumstances. Below are guidelines on Tasks 1 & 2, as well as criteria for assessment.


A - Further instructions on Tasks 1 & 2

Task 1

Final essay (instead of the originally planned oral presentation)

  • Argumentative or personal essay (ca. 1200-1400 words); if in pairs, twice the length;
  • If you have opted for essay + video:
    • Make sure your video is either
      • in English
      • or subtitled in English (in case it features interviews in Portuguese);
      • if you cannot subtitle it, attach the translation to your essay;
    • Your essay should describe the rationale of your project, explain the aims of the material featuring in your video, and comment on it.
  • New deadline for submission of the written draft (and the video accompanying it, if that’s the case): 9 April;


Task 2


·      You are expected to send one entry per week;

·      You can write a personal journal or create a fictional persona, as you prefer;

·      You may use images, photos, drawings, etc.;

·      There is no set day for you to send your entry: just make sure you send them by Saturday of each week;

·      There is no word limit: some entries may be longer, others shorter; you will receive feedback on each entry so that you can keep working on your language skills;

·      Please identify your Word documents with your name and number your entries: e.g. Jo_Journal entry #1.

·      Make the most it: this task is meant to be a way for you to practice your English while using your journal as a creative outlet, so enjoy it.


B - Update on Assessment

  • If, as is to be expected, a state of emergency is to last into May, assessment will be based on the following elements:
    • Written test – 30%
    • Final essay (Task 1 above) – 30%
    • Classwork – 40%. It includes:
      • Argumentative essay (“Growing up”)
      • Personal essay (“Fear”)
      • Journal (featuring your weekly entries – Task 2 above)
      • Oral participation (including your role plays from Pre-Pandemic Planet – do you remember them?)