Oral Presentations + Important Information regarding the 'Época Especial' Exam
7 Maio 2020, 16:00 • Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio
Today, the following students carried out their oral presentations:
1. Jéssica Costa
2. Bruna Fernandes
3. Maria Raquel Bajanca
4. Leonor VasconcelosImportant information regarding the upcoming época especial exam:
The época especial exam will happen on the 2nd of June at regular class times.
Students cannot carry out the exam in any other class other than their own (in other words, if you're registered in the TP9 class, you've got to show up at 10h00; if you're registered in the TP10 class, you've got to show up at 12h00, etc.)
The test will be carried out on Zoom.
MUST bring their ID cards (bilhetes de identidade) to the test and be prepared to show the card to me via the cameras on their computers.
Students must
keep their cameras on at all times during the exam. If you are having technical difficulties with your computer, or if for some reason it doesn't support Zoom, you can borrow a computer from FLUL, just get in touch with them. There is more information on this here:
- Estudantes com dificuldade em aceder a um computador ou à internet para realizar exames online, devem contactar com antecedência a Divisão de Sistemas e Informática em dsi@letras.ulisboa.pt. Durante a semana dos exames, a Faculdade preparou uma primeira sala com computadores e acesso à internet; e uma segunda sala só com acesso à internet. Para usar uma destas salas, é necessária uma inscrição prévia (dsi@letras.ulisboa.pt).
Students will email me the exam at the end of the two hours.
Students will be writing 2 compositions; these must be written on WORD - please DO NOT save the document as a PDF.
The test will consist of 3 composition options; one
descriptive/narrative writing option, one
persuasive writing option, and one
expository writing option. Students will be required to choose 2 of the 3 options and write two compositions.
Students MUST write what the test requests them to write, or they will receive 0 for that composition.
Students should have at hand the list of 20 persuasive writing techniques and their text of
Small Avalanches and other stories for the expository piece, just in case they should choose one of these options.
I will be emailing this information to all students.