(Covid-19) - Feedback on students' final essays (drafts).

16 Abril 2020, 14:00 Maria Teresa Correia Casal

1. Feedback on students' final essays (drafts).

2. Submission of students' journal entry (by Saturday, 18).

Dear All,
I hope you are all doing well and adjusting the best way you can to these exceptional times. 
This is an update on the deadlines and procedures applying to Tasks 1 and 2.
Task #1Thank you for your final essay drafts. By now, you should all have received feedback on them; if that is not the case, please let me know.
You are now expected to send your  final essay by Tuesday, 5 May.
Task #2Thank you also for your latest journal entries - feedback will follow as soon as possible (priority was given to feedback on your essay drafts).
  • Your last journal entry is due on Thursday, 30 April; by then, you are all expected to have submitted at least 5 entries (comprising at least 3 pages), or 4 longer entries (if you have written page-long entries); journal entries come in different forms and shapes, some are longer, some are shorter, some are poems, others (no less eloquent) are a one-line outburst or epigram; when compiling all your entries for purposes of the final document, ideally you should have a minimum of 5 entries, or (if your entries tend to be long) 4 of them. In any case, the length mentioned in the instructions above applies to the final document containing ALL your entries, and not to any single entry;
  • As you received feedback, you should finalise each entry and compile them in a single Word document;
  • You are expected to send me the final version of your quarantine journal/blog, in a single document, by Thursday, 7 May;
  • Invitation: together with your quarantine journal / blog, you are invited to indicate ONE entry that you would like to share with the rest of the class. You've been putting so much creative energy into your writing (from thoughtfulness and gravitas to liveliness and humour) that I feel it would be a pity not to air your pieces among a wider readership; so, if each of you selects the entry they would like to share with the rest of the class, I will compile them into a pdf file and send it to all of you. You may share your piece either under your own name and/or under the name of the character you created - it's entirely up to you. This is not mandatory, it's an invitation only.