"Bears Ears ..." continued. A letter-to-the-Editor. A TEDx Talk by Matika Wilbur.

15 Outubro 2018, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Reading and discussion of "Bears Ears is sacred to Native Americans. But heritage isn't all equal for Trump" continued. How to write a letter-to-the-Editor. Watching the TEDx Talk by Matika Wilbur: "Surviving disappearance, re-imagining & humanizing Native Peoples" and preparing to discuss the main points raised in it by answering a set of questions. 

1. Writing a letter to the editor: instructions on page 38-39; please read the two sample letters on pages 39-40. T his assignment is due on Monday, 22nd October. You may either send it by email saved in a WORD file or hand it in in class (if handwritten, please write on every other line).

2. Watch the TEDx Talk by Matika Wilbur again at home and answer the questions on page 34 (link sent by email).

REMINDER: Discussion of the film Powwow Highway will take place on Wednesday, 17th October.