Lesson 18
23 Novembro 2017, 10:00 • Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska
- "I'm living the American dream!" - listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar (p. 54)
- "Giving thanks" - an excerpt from a novel by Laurie Halse Anderson (pp. 55-56)
- "Gratitude" - a short video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsIPXwr9BQE), writing a gratitude letter (see pp. 59-60)
Homework: exercises on conditionals (extra worksheet)
Vocabulary from the lesson:
- to have something at the back of your head
- to have an idea fixed in your head
- to have sth (e.g. an illusion) in your mind
- to empty your mind