Lesson 2

21 Setembro 2017, 10:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

Education and success - reading, listening, speaking, vocabulary & grammar (the continuous aspect)
Vocabulary from the lesson:


- to achieve your goals

- to stand a chance

- to be an overnight success

- to make it (to the top)

- a high-flier

- a whiz-kid

- a dark horse

- an all-rounder

- to have a bright furture ahead of you

- to be doing well

- to pay off (My hard work is starting to pay off)

- to turn out well (in the end)

- to have a (an enormous) sense of achievement

- an all-round success

- to be thriving 

- to further your career



- a flop 

- to make a mess out ot

- to draw a blank with (a question)

- to come to nothing/to come to naught

- a lost cause

- a shambles