
Film Screening: The Soloist (cont.)

26 Abril 2018, 08:00 Ana Rita Martins

Film Screening: The Soloist (cont.)

In-class debate: The Soloist & The Shock of the Fall.

Out of class task

24 Abril 2018, 14:00 Thomas Joe Grigg

Students independently do library research on their topic of least 5 references are due May 3rd.

Film Screening: The Soloist

24 Abril 2018, 10:00 Ana Rita Martins

Film Screening: The Soloist

Novel assignment for May 3 and May 8.

Film Screening: The Soloist

24 Abril 2018, 08:00 Ana Rita Martins

Film Screening: The Soloist

Novel assignment for May 3 and May 8.

Film screening: "The Soloist"

23 Abril 2018, 16:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta


Answer the discussion questions on p.74