Descriptive Writing Continued...

19 Março 2018, 10:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP8 finished learning about and analyzing descriptive texts.

They then got into groups and began preparing for their first group oral presentation.

Next class:

The following groups will be presenting an analysis of the following texts:

  • Virginia Woolf's journals:
    • Text 1: Tânia, Raquel;
    • Text 2:  Laura Gil, Inês Q., Patrícia, Joana, Sonia;
  • Sylvia Plath's journals:
    • Text 1: Roberta, Francine, Maria M.;
    • Text 2:  Maria F, Júlia;
    • Text 3: Inês Cunha, Ana Filipa, Catarina, Mariana Silva;
  • Anne Michael's poems:
    • Text 1: Anilton, Sofia, Margarida.