Persuasive Writing

4 Abril 2018, 10:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

The two final groups presented their descriptive writing analyses (Plath texto 3 and Anne Michaels text 1).

We then went on to learn about the basics of Persuasive Writing and listed some of the techniques used in Persuasive Writing:

  1. Personal Pronouns
  2. Cause and effect
  3. Verb tenses
  4. Repetition
  5. Alliteration
  6. The Power of Three
  7. Emotive language
  8. Facts and statistics
  9. Hyperbole
  10. Exaggeration
  11. Technical Language
  12. Rhetorical Questions
  13. Dare the reader to disagree
  14. Powerful verbs and strong adjectives
  15. Listing.
  16. Address objections.
  17. Go tribal.
  18. Story telling/anecdotes
  19. Humour.
  20. Reasons why.

We then listened to Winston Churchill's We shall fight on the beaches speech and identified which techniques were used in it to persuade the British people to 'Keep Calm and Carry On'.  Those of you who didn't come to class, listen to this at home and see if you can find any of the above techniques (there are several in the speech).