Narrative Writing continued...

5 Novembro 2020, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we read and analyzed Alice Walker's The Flowers

Next class: we will be reading and analyzing Joyce Carol Oates' Small Avalanches.

Optional Homework Assignment:

  • You are going to write a story about something that has happened to you, i.e. a memoir or a memory – this can be pure fiction but should still be told in the style of a memory or memoir;
    • Use descriptive details – use the 1-5 senses so that we can feel like we're there.
    • Write about one event that lasts between 1 - 5 minutes,
    • Try to include some background information (which should come with the details);
    • Aim for a catchy beginning that sucks us in and grabs our attention.
    • Narrate the events in a clear order – otherwise it will be confusing;
    • Show us what this event means to you by adopting a specific mood or tone - if you're feeling brave, you can attempt to create a mood change in the piece (as we identified in The Flowers and Small Avalanches).
    • make sure the writing is smooth – the sentences should follow each other naturally so that the reader is experiencing exactly what the narrator is experiencing, in a linear way;
    • 250-350 words, double-spaced, SIZE 12 ARIAL;
    • Due November 15th.