“South Africa unease plays out on campus” by Karen Allen and TEDx Talk “Mad at Mandela” by Sisonke Msimang.

18 Março 2021, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Preparation for the test: (a) revising the structure of a letter to the Editor; (b) how to answer an extended-response question.

Discussion of “South Africa unease plays out on campus” by Karen Allen and TEDx Talk “Mad at Mandela” by Sisonke Msimang (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUijXlz-3w) according to the following task:

Drawing on the ideas conveyed by both the article and the TEDx Talk, discuss the following statement: “South Africa is still shackled by the divisions of the past” (“South Africa unease plays out on campus” by Karen Allen). Please refer to the following issues: (a) Afrikaans vs English as the language of learning (b) racism (c) social and economic disparities (to be continued on 24th March).

REMINDER: The first writing test will be done remotely on 23rd March. Further instructions will be sent by email on Monday, 22nd March.