Lesson 10

20 Outubro 2016, 16:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- Test 1

- "Stephen Fry's guide to the UK" - a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7cFXSDN_5k)

- "National traits" - reading, vocabulary, speaking (pp. 76-77)

- "Reddit users list their favourite British words and phrases" - reading (p. 78)

- British slang (pp. 79-80)

- Little Britain? - a video (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x28xy5_little-britain-vicky-pollard-on-sch_fun)

Vocabulary from the lesson:

- aloof
- devious
- self-effacing 
- meticulous
- endearing
- staggering 
- curtain twitching 
- road rage
- against all odds
- nippy 
- borstel 
- a tearaway 

- to nick 
- gutted
- dodgy
- the bee's knees
- nosh/grub
- knackered
- jammy
- fit
- ta
- two sandwiches short of a picnic