Lesson 12

27 Outubro 2016, 16:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- Vocabulary: technology and change (extra worksheets)

- "Changing the world" - reading, speaking (pp. 89-90)

- Grammar: the passive (pp. 89-91)

Homework: exs. 1, 2, 5 p. 92 + essay: "What technologies will change the world the most in the next ten/fifty years? (ca. 400 words, deadline: 3 November)

Vocabulary from the lesson:

- out-of-date, behind the times, old-hat, outdated, outmoded, redundant, obsolete
- up-to-date, cutting-edge, ground-breaking, new-fangled, pioneering, state-of-the-art
- at peak oil, by trial and error