
Presentation of students' research projects

18 Dezembro 2018, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Peer-critique and teacher's feedback.

Back to Sara

17 Dezembro 2018, 16:00 David Michael Greer

Doubts on final essay.

Panto Safety Net

17 Dezembro 2018, 10:00 David Michael Greer

2nd batch of pantos performed

Presentation of students' research projects

13 Dezembro 2018, 16:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Peer critique and teacher's feedback.

Presentation of students' research projects

13 Dezembro 2018, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Peer critique and teacher's feedback.