About your play. The 4 Texts
13 Março 2018, 16:00 • David Michael Greer
About your Play.
Setting up idea of 4 texts
Introducing the 1st text.
About your Play. Setting up idea of 4 texts
13 Março 2018, 12:00 • David Michael Greer
About your Play.
Setting up idea of 4 texts
Introducing the 1st text.
Lessson 7
12 Março 2018, 14:00 • Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska
- "A place where you have to look over your shoulder" - reading + speaking + grammar: relative clauses (pp. 43-45)
Speaking I
12 Março 2018, 12:00 • Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte
Spoken word poetry
Presentation of students' research projects
12 Março 2018, 10:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
Rsearch projects on the topic of fear.
Teacher's feedback and corrections.