Lesson 16

23 Abril 2018, 14:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "The Model" - a short story by Bernard Malamud (pp. 84-93)

- Oral presentations 

Vocabulary from the lesson

- no youngster
- to grease sb's palm 
- homely
- liquidity crisis
- to let sb go
- to meet one's maker/to kick the bucket/to bite the dust 
- hearing impaired
- well-padded
- under the weather 
- panhandler 
- expecting 
- to be getting on
- the happy event
- to sleep together
- to go home in a box
- to powder one's nose
- to have a glass too many 
- a sugar daddy 
- a late developer
- to put to sleep 

Expressions with "about":
- an about-face
- out and about
- to look about
- to bring about
- to beat about the bush 
- about time