Presentation of course content and calendar [Online lesson via Zoom]

26 Janeiro 2021, 11:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Presentation of course content and calendar with particular emphasis on methodology, expected learning outcomes for this subject and evaluation methods.

  • Grading and Assessment:

Assessment will be continuous, and students will be required to perform a variety of in-class activities (both written and oral), as well as prepare a longer assignment to be presented orally. 

The assessment criteria are as follows:  

Two short in-class written assignments:  20% (10% each)

Research project on one of the themes of the programme: 25% 

Written Test: 35%

Attendance, course work and participation: 20%

  •  Important dates (see Course Calendar):

2 March:  1st Writing assignment

16 March: Submission of written research project proposal

23 March: 2nd Writing assignment

16 April: Written Test


1. Students have been advised to enroll in English B2.2-TP 8 [20/21), so as to download the Student's Book, as well as other supplementary material that will be made available throughout the semester.

2. Students are required to upload a photo in their profiles in Fenix and campus/edu accounts to make it easier for me to identify and get to know them.