Língua e Cultura Checas
17 Março 2022, 15:30 • Pavlina Vondrackova
My family (vocabulary and phrases); Possessive adjectives (revision and practice). Conversation (student’s family).
Língua e Cultura Checas
14 Março 2022, 17:30 • Pavlina Vondrackova
Working conditions in the Czech Republic (reading and listening activities). Speaking.
Língua e Cultura Checas
11 Março 2022, 18:30 • Pavlina Vondrackova
Official Forms (vocabulary). Filling some official forms in the Czech Republic.
Língua e Cultura Checas
10 Março 2022, 15:30 • Pavlina Vondrackova
Names of the countries, cities, nationalities and languages (practice). Czech towns (pronunciation and speaking).
Língua e Cultura Checas
7 Março 2022, 17:30 • Pavlina Vondrackova
Names of the countries, cities, nationalities and languages (vocabulary and grammar). Pronunciation activities.