Student discussion of essay - presentation of procedures for the June examination
6 Maio 2020, 14:00 • Cecília Maria Beecher Martins
The following students discussed their research essays:
James Dias – Moral Disorder (Margaret Atwood)
Tiago Pratas – Jesus of Montreal (Denys Arcand)
Inês Marques – Animal Behavior (David Fine & Alison Snowden).
Procedures of the June examination: The June exam will be in two parts, a written examination at class time on Monday June 1st from 2.00-4.00 p.m. and an oral examination on Wednesday June 3rd from 2.00-4.00.
Procedures for the written examination: students will be sent a Zoom link the morning of the exam. They must log into the Zoom room with cameras turned on throughout the examination. Moreover, students who have not attended class regularly must show a photo ID with a recent photo so that I can verify student identification before the examination begins. Once, I have verified all candidates’ IDs I will send the written examination to students’ official emails.
The written examination will have a duration of 90 minutes with 15 minutes tolerance. Students will submit their finished examination to my email All written examinations will be run through a plagiarism software before correction – any examination that is identified as having plagiarised material will not be evaluated.
Procedures for the oral examination: students will be sent a Zoom link and the specific time slot of their oral examination on the morning of the examination.
The oral examination will have a duration of 15 minutes.
Students will have to do both examinations as they have equal weight.
Structure of the examinations: both examinations will be divided into 2 parts: history and cultural development of Canada (30%), literature of Canada (70%).
Students will be expected to answer reflective questions on the materials discussed during the semester, therefore they will have to quote both from the theoretical and historic texts used as well as the literary texts analysed.
If you have IT or Special Educational needs: Following the Dean’s email to the FLUL academic community on 5th May 2020 and the FLUL website, if you have IT problems, you can contact Divisão de Sistemas e Informática em ; if you have special educational needs you can contact I would recommend you do this as soon as possible.