Zoom Class - the Canadian Political system, discussion of written test layout and beginning of revision for test

15 Abril 2020, 14:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

We began with a presentation of the Canadian Political system and I have sent the related ppt presentation to the class email. If you have not received this send a request to my email cbeecher@campus.ul.pt.

Discussion of written test layout - the written test will take place on Weds 22nd April. I will sent the test to the student email list at 13.50 and students will return their completed test by 16.10. There are 2 students who will be doing another test in the class immediately preceding our test. These students will have an extra 30 minutes to submit their tests. I will be available on Zoom and will ask students to enroll in this Zoom meeting so that they can do the test. 

The test will have 2 sections: 1 on history (3 questions to answer 1) = 20% 2 on literary analysis (4 questions to answer 2) 2x40% = 80%.

We began the review of Canadian literature - ppt also sent to class email