
Lesson 5: About Croatia and Croatians.

6 Abril 2018, 14:00 Robert Bebek

a) communicational aimes: In the hotel. My room. City map and orientation. 
b) language topics: Present of verbs imati i nemati. Accusative. Present of verbs ending in -ati-irati.
c) culturological themes: Croatian society and counties. Climate. Geography. Kravata (tie) as a national brand. Arena in Pula. Kostelić family and other recognized Croats.

Lesson 5: About Croatia and Croatians.

4 Abril 2018, 14:00 Robert Bebek

a) communicational aimes: In the hotel. My room. City map and orientation. 
b) language topics: Present of verbs imati i nemati. Accusative. Present of verbs ending in -ati-irati.
c) culturological themes: Croatian society and counties. Climate. Geography. Kravata (tie) as a national brand. Arena in Pula. Kostelić family and other recognized Croats.

Cinema croata: "The melon route", de Branko Schmidt

23 Março 2018, 14:00 Robert Bebek

Put lubenica/ The melon route/ A rota dos melões (Croácia). Ano: 2006. Duração: 89'. Realizador: Branko Schmidt. Argumento: Branko Schmidt, Ognjen Sviličić. Atores: Krešimir Mikić, Sun Mei, Leon Lučev, Armin Omerović, Emir Hađihafisbegović, Ivo Gregurević, Zijah Sokolović, Darijo Velićan, Dora Lipovčan, Filip Šovagović.

Mirko (Krešimir Mikić), personagem com ligações à máfia, leva pessoas da Bósnia Herzegovina e da Croácia para o Ocidente, atravessando o rio Sava. O seu barco, sobrecarregado, afunda e os chineses que transportava morrem afogados. Apenas uma jovem chinesa sobrevive e Mirko decide escondê-la. O filme inspira-se na história verdadeira de doze imigrantes ilegais chineses que se afogaram no rio Sava, junto às fronteiras da Bósnia Herzegovina e da Croácia durante a guerra ocorrida na década de 90.

Filme integrado no ciclo "Cinelínguas".

Lesson 5: About Croatia and Croatians.

21 Março 2018, 14:00 Robert Bebek

a) communicational aimes: In the hotel. My room. City map and orientation.
b) language topics: Present of verbs imati i nemati. Accusative. Present of verbs ending in -ati, -irati.
c) culturological themes: Croatian society and counties. Climate. Geography. Kravata (tie) as a national brand. Arena in Pula. Kostelić family and other recognized Croats.

New editions of Croatian grammars, dictionaries and ortographies online (Part 2).

16 Março 2018, 14:00 Robert Bebek

Guidelines and intructions of how to use units from:

a) Morphology

b) Lexics
c) Syntaxis
d) Phonetics
e) Ortographic rules and priciples.