
"A arte de traduzir do polaco"- meeting with Teresa Fernandes-Świątkiewicz.

11 Novembro 2021, 19:00 Malgorzata Ewelina Vailleau-Wolczyk

Meeting with Teresa Fernandes-Świątkiewicz.

What do you eat for breakfast?

9 Novembro 2021, 18:30 Malgorzata Ewelina Vailleau-Wolczyk

- meals in Poland

- describing your eating routine

In the grocery.

8 Novembro 2021, 18:30 Malgorzata Ewelina Vailleau-Wolczyk

- naming basic food products (chleb, kawa, ser, piwo)

- asking for price (Ile kosztuje…? Ile płacę?)
making simple grocery shopping (Proszę kawę i ciasto.)

Conjugation I "-m,-sz".

4 Novembro 2021, 19:00 Malgorzata Ewelina Vailleau-Wolczyk

- the most important characteristics of the conjugation type "-m, -sz"

- examples of the verbs from the "-m, -sz" grup 
- conjugation trainig

The characteristics of things and people.

2 Novembro 2021, 18:30 Malgorzata Ewelina Vailleau-Wolczyk

identifying the characteristics of things and people (Jaki on jest? Jaka ona jest? Jakie ono jest?)

describing the appearance and character of people (On jest młody i ambitny. Ona jest młoda i miła.)