Today's class November 8
8 Novembro 2021, 08:02 • Jakob Maché
Dear course participants,
unfortunately I will not be able to make it to come to the faculty today. But the meeting will nevertheless be held as an online meeting. Find the zoom link below.
Please make sure to reach out to your colleagues to make sure that everybody is informed and share this message in your whatsApp group.
In case there are any urgent questions, for the time being without our main email addresses I will also regularly check my edu address at
thanks for understanding and see you later,
Jakob Maché
Jakob Maché lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.
Thema: LDA Zoom meetingUhrzeit: 8.Nov..2021 02:00 PM Lissabon
Zoom-Meeting beitreten
Meeting-ID: 847 9303 6529Kenncode: lda22Schnelleinwahl mobil+351308804188,,84793036529# Portugal+351308810988,,84793036529# Portugal
Einwahl nach aktuellem Standort +351 308 804 188 Portugal +351 308 810 988 Portugal +351 211 202 618 PortugalMeeting-ID: 847 9303 6529Ortseinwahl suchen:
Über SIP
Über H.323 beitreten162.255.37.11 (USA Westen) (USA Osten) (Indien Mumbai) (Indien Hyderabad) (Amsterdam Niederlande) (Deutschland) (Australien Sydney) (Australien Melbourne) (Singapur) (Brasilien) (Mexiko) (Kanada Toronto) (Kanada Vancouver) (Japan Tokio) (Japan Osaka)Kenncode: 746411Meeting-ID: 847 9303 6529