
Phonetics -- Vowels I

3 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Jakob Maché

-parameters of description

-phonemic contrasts
   -rounded versus unrounded

Homework till 10.10.:
  Worksheet 1 (cf. moodle)

Phonetics: Consonants

28 Setembro 2022, 12:30 Jakob Maché


-4 parameters: place, articulator, manner, phonation

Phonetics introduction

26 Setembro 2022, 12:30 Jakob Maché

-articulatory phonetics

-acoustic phonetics
-perceptive phonetics

Adiado - postponed

21 Setembro 2022, 12:30 Jakob Maché

Adiado - postponed

Adiado - postponed 14.10: segmental phonology: processes epenthesis and elision

19 Setembro 2022, 12:30 Jakob Maché

Adiado - postponed till 14.10

Phonological processes