
Ensaio individual

16 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Entrega da primeira versão dos ensaios individuais com sugestões de reescrita. Esclarecimento de dúvidas.
Consideração de estratégias para elaborar e rever uma análise de texto literário.

A segunda versão do ensaio deverá ser entregue impressa, no dia 9 de janeiro, no ICA, entre as 14 e as 16h.

"How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay"

Eudora Welty

14 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Analyses of “The Wanderers”, from the short story cycle The Golden Apples, by Eudora Welty. 
Oral presentation.

On the author
Welty, Eudora. Stories, Essays, & MemoirThe Golden Apples, “The Wanderers.” Org. Richard Ford and Michael Kreyling. New York: The Library of America, 1998. 515-556.

Eudora Welty

9 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Analyses of “June Recital”, from the short story cycle The Golden Apples, by Eudora Welty. 
Oral presentation.

On the author
Welty, Eudora. Stories, Essays, & MemoirThe Golden Apples, “June Recital.” Org. Richard Ford and Michael Kreyling. New York: The Library of America, 1998. 333-399.

William Faulkner

7 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Analysis of “That Evening Sun”, by William Faulkner.

Oral presentation.

On the author

Zora Neale Hurston

2 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Analysis of the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston.

Oral presentation of the research project.

About the author

About the novel
Gates, Henry Louis, "Their Eyes Were Watching God: Zora Neale Hurston and the Speakerly Text," Zora Neale Hurston: Critical Perspectives Past and Present, Ed. K. A. Appiah e Henry Louis Gates. New York: Amistad, 1993. 154-203.
Washington, Mary Helen. "'I Love the Way Janie Crawford Left Her Husbands': Emergent Female Hero," Zora Neale Hurston: Critical Perspectives Past and Present. 98-108.

Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Harper & Row, 1994.