
Lecture 12: Knowledge and knowledge structures: Legitimation code theory.

30 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Legitimation Code Theory. Disciplines as Knowledge-knower structures. Knowledge structures and knower structures. Legitimation codes of specialization.

Workshop 9: text production

26 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Joint construction of a Descriptive Report on Genre. revision and final corrections. 

Lecture 11: Cohesion and thematic development.

23 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

The expression of textual meaning and the construction of mode in Register. Cohesion and Thematic development. Types of cohesion. Thematic structures and thematic development. 

Workshop 8: Text production

19 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Jointly construction of the argument/ exposition initiated in workshop 7. Revision of the text. 

Lecture 10: Making sense of Discourse Analysis

16 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Discourse studies: basic notions and relations between them. Making sense of the field.

Class was lectured by Dr Martina Podboj, from Rijeka University, Croatia, as part of an Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility Programme, under an agreement between the two institutions.