
Lecture 9: complements to the trinocular description of a language.

28 Março 2022, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

New theoretical aspects related to each one of the three components of language description: thematised comments and predicated themes (clause as message); values of modality (clause as exchange); and identifying relational processes, types of circumstances and ergativity (clause as representation).

Workshop 7: Exercises

23 Março 2022, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

Exercises: correction of the mid-semester test.

The class was online, with the Zoom platform, as the lecturer tested positive for Covid-19 and had to stay in isolation at home. 

Workshop 7: Exercises

23 Março 2022, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Exercises: correction of the mid-semester test.

The class was online, with the Zoom platform, as the lecturer tested positive for Covid-19 and had to stay in isolation at home. 

Lecture 8: clause complexes and their structure.

21 Março 2022, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

The clause complex as a unit of interdependency and logico-semantic relations. Interdependency:  parataxis and hypotaxis; logico-semantic relations: expansion and projection. Types of expansion and types of projection.

Lecture 8: clause complexes and their structure.

21 Março 2022, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

The clause complex as a unit of interdependency and logico-semantic relations. Interdependency:  parataxis and hypotaxis; logico-semantic relations: expansion and projection. Types of expansion and types of projection.