
Lecture 8: Multimodality and Multimodal Discourse Analysis.

22 Março 2021, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

The notion of multimodality and its importance in communication in contemporary society. Multimodal Discourse Analysis. Aspects for the analytical description of multimodal texts.

Workshop 7: Data analysis and commentary on text 8

17 Março 2021, 15:30 Carlos Gouveia

Analysis of text 8 (David Cameron’s resignation speech). Selection of linguistic features pertinent for analysis and consequent analysis. Writing of an analysis commentary.

Workshop 7: Data analysis and commentary on text 8

17 Março 2021, 14:00 Carlos Gouveia

Analysis of text 8 (David Cameron’s resignation speech). Selection of linguistic features pertinent for analysis and consequent analysis. Writing of an analysis commentary.

Workshop 7: Data analysis and commentary on text 8

16 Março 2021, 11:00 Carlos Gouveia

Analysis of text 8 (David Cameron’s resignation speech). Selection of linguistic features pertinent for analysis and consequent analysis. Writing of an analysis commentary.

Workshop 7: Data analysis and commentary on text 8

16 Março 2021, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Analysis of text 8 (David Cameron’s resignation speech). Selection of linguistic features pertinent for analysis and consequent analysis. Writing of an analysis commentary.