
Workshop 10: Text analysis

13 Abril 2023, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Preparation of an analytical essay on the advertisement of Northern Michigan University (Unit 10), analyzed in the previous workshop: data systematization, interpretation and draft writing.

Lecture 10: The grammar of representation.

11 Abril 2023, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Discourse as representation: processes, participants and circumstances. Ideological aspects of representation: nominalizations, naming conventions and forms of exclusion and inclusion of social actors in representation.

Workshop 9: the marketization of universities’ public discourse

30 Março 2023, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Analysis of the advertisement of Northern Michigan University (text 10). Neoliberal discourses and the marketization of the universities. Ideology as manifested in the representation of what a University is.  

Lecture 9: Critical Discourse Analysis

28 Março 2023, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Discourse, power and ideology. The importance of a critical dimension in social and discursive analysis. The notions of power, history and ideology. Aspects of Critical Discourse Analysis.

Workshop 8: Multimodality and critical discourse analysis

23 Março 2023, 09:30 Carlos Gouveia

Analysis of three multimodal texts (Units 10, 11 and 12). The interplay of verbal language with visual language in the texts. What to consider when dealing with multimodal texts. Critical analytical dimensions.