Language and the nation(-state) 2

10 Outubro 2019, 12:00 Hugo Canelas Cardoso

- Language and State:

a) The development of the concept of State-Nation and Nation-State in Europe, from the Middle Ages to modernity: the examples of Germany and Austria-Hungary (conclusion).

- Language planning at the level of the State:

a) Status planning: official language, national language, regional language, forbidden language,...
b) Corpus planning for convergence or differentiation: Ausbau vs. Abstand languages; alphabet choice; codification of orthography and grammar (academies, intellectual elites); purism and nationalism; diglossia.
c) Acquisition planning: challenges to the educational system and mass media.

- Decolonisation and language policy:

a) The linguistic alignment of the new nations of the 20th and 21st century;
b) Different approaches to the issue of status planning in postcolonial states.