4. Brazil at the core of the empire (17th-18th centuries).

12 Maio 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

4. Brazil at the core of the empire (17th-18th centuries).

The political framework: the governor, the captaincies and the municipalities. The plantation system: sugar, tobacco and slaves. Imperial rivalry in 17th century Brazil: the French and the Dutch. Sacramento and the southern border. The discovery of gold: the "golden age" of Brazil in the 18th century. The "crisis" of the Portuguese imperial system?


BETHELL, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987;

BOXER, Charles Ralph, The Golden Age of Brazil: Growing Pains of a Colonial Society 1695-1750, Manchester, Carcanet, 1995 [original edition: 1962];

DISNEY, A. R., A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire. From Beginnings to 1807, vol. 2: The Portuguese Empire, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009;

PAQUETTE, Gabriel B., Imperial Portugal in the age of Atlantic revolutions: the Luso-Brazilian world, c. 1770-1850, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013.