Luís de Camões: Selected Poetry (cont.) and The Lusiads

12 Outubro 2017, 10:00 Helena Carvalhão Buescu

Reading and discussion of "With the pitcher on her head" and "That lovely slave": Camões's literary work as a combined result of learned culture and lived experience.

The structure of an Epic Poem: Proposition, Invocation, Dedication and Narration (in medias res). 

The Lusiads as a complex example of Epic Poetry: about joy, glory and fame as much as about disenchantment and criticism; about singing the heroes as much as about self-reflexivity (valuing the role of the poet as guarantor of immortality)

Contrapuntal reading and discussion of excerpts from Canto I, Canto IV, Canto V and Canto X. 

Intertextual relationship with The Indian Play.

Delivery of the first Response Paper.