First Analysis of Text

24 Fevereiro 2016, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of text from the anthology. Explanation of difficulties involved in translation cultural references which do not exist in the target language. The specific example for discussion in this text was the term "candy store" (or "sweet shop" in British Standard Modified English) which does not have a direct equivalent in the reality of European Continental Portuguese. Thus, in the example of translating this text, the term would have to be translated into the place in continental Portugal where a child of about ten years old would go to buy a chocolate bar. This would perhaps be a pastelaria. Other examples taken from the same text included translating common deviation from standard ("I ain't gonna take no shit") which would have to be compensated for by similar common deviations in Portuguese, albeit not in the same places in the text, such as "'tou" instead of "estou" or "tu hades de ir". Other matters arising.