
Henry James, The Turn of the Screw

8 Outubro 2015, 10:00 Miguel Tamen

Test Paper # 1

6 Outubro 2015, 10:00 Miguel Tamen

Test Paper # 1. In-class discussion of test.

Christopher Ricks, "Literary Principles as Against Theory"

1 Outubro 2015, 10:00 Miguel Tamen

Christopher Ricks, "Literary Principles as Against Theory"

Countering the gap between critics and nonprofessional readers; countering the idea that literature is to be understood by science, history. or philosophy; countering the idea that only theory deserves the label 'thinking'.   Principles and proverbs: the role of contradiction, teaching and discussion.

Description of Test Paper # 1 (next session).


29 Setembro 2015, 10:00 Miguel Tamen

Reading as ceremony.  Does the man who liked Dickens know how to read?   What does 'reading' mean?   What is reading?

Evelyn Waugh, “The Man Who Liked Dickens”

24 Setembro 2015, 10:00 Miguel Tamen

Evelyn Waugh, “The Man Who Liked Dickens.”   What does 'liking Dickens' mean?