
Engaging with form and content

3 Março 2022, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Historical, biographical context and feminist analysis of selected artworks.

Carnival Break

1 Março 2022, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Carnival Break

Andy Goldsworthy: Environmental Sculptures

24 Fevereiro 2022, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Screening of the documentary Rivers and Tides: Working with Time (2010)

Critical Commentary on Goldsworthy's earth works

Engaging with form and content

22 Fevereiro 2022, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Methods of analysis: formal, contextual, iconographic, semiotic analysis

Using different methods of analysis to engage with and critique a selection of  contemporary artworks.

Conceptual and theoretical inquiry into art and aesthetic experience

17 Fevereiro 2022, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Central theories: Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, David Hume, Immanuel kant, G.W. F. Hegel

The aesthetic attitude and the aesthetic experience theories
The concepts of beauty and the sublime
Analysis of Susan Philipsz sound sculpture "Lowlands" (2010)
Form and abstraction in Anes Martin's artworks