
Definitions and categories of art

27 Janeiro 2022, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

  1. Honorific, Classificatory and Institutional definitions of art
  2. Categories of art
  3. Western philosophies of art: realism, expressionism, formalism
  4. Responses to artworks by Marc Quinn and El Anatsui.
Preparation for 1 February

What is Contemporary Art?

Look up definitions of contemporary art and the most visited contemporary art museums.

 Look up art movements of the late 19th and 20th century and choose one or two artists to talk about in class

Presentation of course content and calendar, assessment and course requirements

25 Janeiro 2022, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Assessment Criteria:

This course follows a continuous assessment model. Students are expected to maintain regular attendance, contribute to in-class discussions and activities, complete all assignments and come to class prepared to discuss the reading material(s) scheduled for that day.

The assessment criteria are as follows:

 Written Test: 30%; research project to be presented and discussed in class 35%; 

Attendance, participation and discussion of the assigned reading (35%)

Important Dates:
10 March: submission of the written Research Project Proposal in E-learning.
7 April: Written Test

Set Reading for Thursday, 27 January:
"Introduction" in Gateways to Art: Understanding the Visual Arts, pp. 20-39. (The chapter may be downloaded from E-learning.