
As riligiões indianas e não indianas e diversidade

7 Novembro 2017, 18:00 Shiv Kumar Singh

A aula começou com a revisão da aula anterior e foram esclarecidas as dúvidas dos estudantes. A seguir a aula continou com as matérias relacionadas com as várias religiões indianas e não-indianas presentes na Índia e vimos como é que a diversidade do pensamento é um fenómeno natural que não se pode conter e que sempre foi aceite os caminhos diversos do pensamento.

As riligiões indianas e não indianas e diversidade

3 Novembro 2017, 18:00 Shiv Kumar Singh

A aula começou com a revisão da aula anterior e foram esclarecidas as dúvidas dos estudantes. A seguir a aula continou com as matérias relacionadas com as várias religiões indianas e não-indianas presentes na Índia e vimos como é que a diversidade do pensamento é um fenómeno natural que não se pode conter e que sempre foi aceite os caminhos diversos do pensamento.

Diversidade e identidade da Índia

31 Outubro 2017, 18:00 Shiv Kumar Singh

A aula começou com a revisão da matéria dada na aula anterior e a seguir foram introduzidas as matérias relacionadas com o hinduísmo e as várias escolas presentes no hinduísmo. Estas várias filosófias foram utilizadas para mostrar que hinduísmo não poderá ter só uma identidade e diviersidade é uma caratéristica inerente nas culturas indianas. 

Diversidade e identidade da Índia

27 Outubro 2017, 18:00 Shiv Kumar Singh

A aula começou com a revisão da matéria dada na aula anterior e a seguir foram introduzidas as matérias relacionadas com o hinduísmo e as várias escolas presentes no hinduísmo. Estas várias filosófias foram utilizadas para mostrar que hinduísmo não poderá ter só uma identidade e diviersidade é uma caratéristica inerente nas culturas indianas. 

Religião, Mito e mitologia

24 Outubro 2017, 18:00 Shiv Kumar Singh

Religion and mythology differ in scope but have overlapping aspects. Both terms refer to systems of concepts that are of high importance to a certain community, making statements concerning the supernatural or sacred. Generally, mythology is considered one component or aspect of religion. Religion is the broader term: besides mythological aspects, it includes aspects of ritualmoralitytheology, and mystical experience. A given mythology is almost always associated with a certain religion such as Greek mythology with Ancient Greek religion. Disconnected from its religious system, a myth may lose its immediate relevance to the community and evolve—away from sacred importance—into a legend or folktale.

Religion is a belief concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine, and the moral codes, practices, values, and institutions associated with such belief, although some scholars, such as Durkheim, would argue that the supernatural and the divine are not aspects of all religions[1] Religious beliefs and practices may include the following:

1.a deity or higher being


3.practices of worship

4.practices of ethics and politics

The term mythology usually refers either to a system of myths or to the study of myths.[2] However, the word "myth" itself has multiple (and some contradictory) definitions:

2007: According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "Myth: "1 a: a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon. b: ParableAllegory. 2 a: a popular belief or tradition that has grown up around something or someone; especially: one embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or segment of society. 2b: an unfounded or false notion. 3: a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence. 4: the whole body of myths.

The relationship between religion and myth depends on what definition of "myth" one uses. By Robert Graves's definition, a religion's traditional stories are "myths" if and only if one does not belong to the religion in question. By Segal's definition, all religious stories are myths—but simply because nearly all stories are myths. By the folklorists' definition, all myths are religious (or "sacred") stories, but not all religious stories are myths: religious stories that involve the creation of the world (e.g., the stories in Genesis) are myths; however, religious stories that don't explain how things came to be in their present form (e.g., hagiographies of famous saints) are not myths.

It should be noted that most definitions of "myth" limit myths to stories. Thus, non-narrative elements of religion, such as ritual, are not myths.

Myth vs Mythology

Many are still confused between the differences between a myth and mythology. In casual talk, the two are just the same. But in the strictest sense, they really aren’t.

When you talk about myths, you are referring to stories having no basis as to where, when, and from whom they came from (anonymous). Myths feature supernatural episodes that seek to explain natural phenomena in order to give humans some kind of special perceptions in a more cosmic level. It amplifies human culture and society to a superhuman or godly level. As such, myths often highlight the concepts of creation, religion, divinity, life and death. Many myths also showcase the adventures of heroes that are endowed with superhuman capabilities. The setup of these accounts is usually in the world’s primordial stage (when the world was still immature or incomplete). Although myths have such a nature, they are still accepted as both true and sacred.

By contrast, mythology is a collection of several or many myths that usually belong to a group of people or culture. In this connection, mythologies often address the issues of that particular group of people (their history, gods, and ancestry).

Another interpretation regarding mythology is defining it as the study of myths. Therefore, one who is studying or learning about myths may most likely be studying the field of mythology as a whole. Some specific sub branches of mythology are comparative mythology and Greek mythology. The former deals with finding the connection present between myths coming from varied cultures whereas; the latter is, obviously, the study of the popular myths of Ancient Greece.