Sexualities and Race I

15 Março 2018, 10:00 Lisa Botshon


·       ALEX MAYYASI. “How Subarus Came to Be Seen as Cars for Lesbians,” 183-189

·       KEVIN JENNINGS. “American Dreams,”492-496

·       MICHAEL HULSHOF-SCHMIDT. “What’s in an Acronym? Parsing the LGBTQQIP2SAA,” 489-491

·       In-class video: “Further off the Straight and Narrow: New Gay Visibility on Television, 1998-2006” (2006)

·       Discussion of upcoming essay

Race I

·       “The Space for Race,” 457-458

·       MICHAEL OMI: In Living Color: Race and American Culture,” 462-473

·       Peggy McIntosh. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” Available online:

·       In-class: The Sorting Exercise & The Race Card Project