
Work presentations and discussion of provisional grades.

17 Dezembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Work presentations: "Night of the Living Dead" and the consumerist (non-)white zombie; Weird Al and "Party in the CIA"; Johnny Cash and Folsom Prison Blues; the different Woodstocks; Parkland and the documented death of JFK; "Friends and the revolution of the sitcom; South Park vs. Islam.

Work presentations

14 Dezembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Correction of text / video analysis written exercise.
Work presentations: the character Penny in Big Bang Theory; American Dad in terms of gender and race; Zack de la Rocha and Rage Against the Machine; Don Draper and Peggy Olson in Mad Men; Marylin Mason vs Eurythmics in "Sweet Dreams"...

Work presentations by students

10 Dezembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Some comments about the final versions of papers.

Presentations by students: "Californication" by Ana Mora and Ana Lourenço; "The Simpsons and Tweenlight" by Ana Barbosa and Patrícia Silva; "Generations X, Y and Z" by Ana Margarida and Matilde Alvarez; "Michael Jackson's Thriller" by Beatriz Barata; "Mean Girls" by Catarina Costa, Cátia Ferreira and Sofia Azevedo.

Guest speaker: Rui Zink on US graphic novels and The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller

7 Dezembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Rui Zink spoke to us on:

Batman and the actualization of Don Quixote, Hamlet, the lone private eye.
Batman's foes and the Joker as the counterpart of Batman.
The graphic novels of the 80s in the US: Maus by Art Spiegel (1985), The Dark Knight Returns (1986) by Frank Miller; Watchmen (1987) by Alan Moore; The Killing Joke by Alan Moore (1988).
The rivalry of Superman and Batman.Socio-political implications: the Dark Age Comics and the Age of Terror: 

The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller (cont. analysis).

3 Dezembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller (cont. analysis): heroes, anti-heroes, symbols, intertextuality.
Debate on the more favorite and least favorite characters.