
Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns (intr.) Writing exercise: text and video analysis

30 Novembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns: multiple narrators and split personalities; the representation of the city (the skyline and the underworlds); juxtaposition of events in time; Batman's symbol and attire.
Writing exercise: text and video analysis, "There is a light" by Nick Cave (composed for Batman Forever's soundtrack (1995).

Discussion about upcoming final papers. Guest lectuer: Ana Rita Martins on superhero comics.

26 Novembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Discussion about upcoming final papers: model (narrative on an American Popular Culture production) and norms for academic papers.
Guest lecturer: Ana Rita Martins on superhero comics.
From the funnies to the comics.
The definition of superheroes.
Marvel vs. DC.
Batman and Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns (1986). The graphic novel.

Delivery and commentary on creative writing exercises. Bob Dylan - the beats, surrealism, and the conspiracy atmosphere. Music video analysis.

23 Novembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Delivery and commentary on creative writing exercises.
Bob Dylan - the beats, surrealism, and the conspiracy atmosphere: "Subterranean Homesick Blues".
Checklist for analysing the pop music videoclip:

Bob Dylan, his times and the tradition. From the Folk Protest Movement to "It Ain't Me Babe". Creative writing exercise.

19 Novembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Bob Dylan, his times and the tradition:
From the Folk Protest Movement to "It Ain't Me Babe".
Creative writing exercise based on videoclip "The Night We Called it a Day" by Bob Dylan.

Invited guests: Ivo Canelas and Rita Lello on Method Acting

16 Novembro 2015, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Ivo Canelas and Rita Lello: how American Cinema, Actor's Studio, Lee Strasberg's Institute conditioned acting through the body.
The actor's body as a rhetorical machine - speculation on political and cultural consequences.